
The 2nd World Summit on Echocardiography took place in New Delhi, India on Oct 25-27, 2013. Rather than expect the world to come to India, the summit planners decided to do something extraordinary. They broadcast a majority of the event via Google Hangouts On Air and with a mobile app.

Watch the Opening Ceremony:

People from all around the world participated in this event, including the team at Studycast. Studycast also gave a presentation during the summit on “Improving Patient Care Through Cloud Technology” and presenters include: Partho Sengupta, Laurie Smith, Patricia Pellikka, James D. Thomas, and Ravi R. Kasliwal.

Studycast Cloud PACS

Studycast® is the leader in SaaS diagnostic testing and ultrasound imaging solutions. Studycast® uses the cloud for data storage. It allows physicians access to ultrasound images online 24/7 from virtually anywhere, on any device (even an iPad).

Learn more about how Studycast’s mobile echocardiograms can work for your practice.

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