In 2013, it is estimated that among U.S. women there will be 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer (

With advances in mobile ultrasound technology, women’s health physicians can now use cheaper mobile ultrasound imaging devices to screen their patients in their office. The breast ultrasounds can then be uploaded and stored online along with the patients records, helping save time on administrative work, and save money on printing x-ray images.

Studycast’s worksheet specifically for breast ultrasound studies allows the interpreting physician to efficiently build a report that documents the findings of the procedure. The sizes of masses as cysts, as captured in the ultrasound exam are transferred to the Studycast SmartWorksheet, along with comments from the sonographer – eliminating the need for handwritten worksheets.

This October for Breast Cancer Awareness month, Studycast wants to remind everyone that getting regular screening tests is the best way for women to lower their risk of dying from breast cancer. Talk with you doctor, and if you are a physician, remind your patients to schedule these important screenings.

Ultrasound Imaging for Women’s Health

Studycast mobile ultrasound imaging platform allows women’s health physicians to access and administer ultrasound images remotely from the cloud and share and access those images on any device with internet access, including iPads.

Learn more about how Studycast’s mobile ultrasound software solution can work for you.

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